

💬 Threads

Chat with other community members in threads, chats, and voice channels.

Threads Overview

What you’ll learn:

  • Different channel types
  • Customization options
  • Using threads to grow convos
  • Cool niche features

Best practices

What you’ll learn:

  • Using fewer channels
  • Writing the "first post" in each channel
  • Seeding emoji reacts

Creating your first channels

What you’ll learn:

  • The best channels to start with
  • Why “less is more” for channels
  • Growing channel engagement

Create, edit, & delete channels

What you’ll learn:

  • How to create, edit, delete channels
  • Different channel types & customization

Voice channels (voice rooms)

Technical limits: Maximum of 256 participants in a single voice channel & a maximum of 16 video feeds in a single channel. Video feeds are not yet available on mobile. You can have an unlimited number of channels!

What you’ll learn:

  • How HB voice rooms work
  • How to control & moderate voice rooms
  • Different customization options

Moderating threads

What you’ll learn:

  • Delete threads & comments a moderator
  • Read only channels

Saving threads

What you’ll learn:

  • How to convert threads to docs
  • Examples on how other communities use saved threads

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

Managing Channels

Voice Channels

Creating Threads

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✨ Experiences